You are designed with a need for rest. God tells us over and over again in his word to rest in him. You can actively choose where you are placing yourself to find rest. What’s your source? It is yourself? Is it in people? Is it entertainment?
Hobbies are good and using your passions are healthy, but nothing can sustain you and satisfy your heart like the presence of God can.
I don’t think God walked in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve just for his sake. Yes, he deeply desired relationship with them, but he also knew they needed to connect with him everyday in an intimate way. Until we meet our savior face to face, we must be intentional about building intimacy with him because that is the only way to be renewed and refreshed in every part of our being.
Resting is not about stopping work or activity. It is about recharging every part of who you are. We often neglect our need for spiritual rest. Don’t tire yourself physically by attempting to rest spiritually. Or vice versa. God desires to let you rest in a way aligned with who you are designed to be. By that I mean, God desires to spend time with you as you do things that refresh you. That will be different for all of us. It is unique to who you are, but it does not have to be complicated. God designed you; so he knows you intimately.
Rest is physical, it is mental, it is emotional, and it is spiritual. Every part of your being needs to be rested properly.
Here’s 4 tips to rest better:
1) Rest your physical body
Get enough sleep. Do not live a life consumed with by activity to try to impress people, obtain more things, or to prove your worth. Your identity is set; so, take time to avoid a long list of things that aren’t absolutely necessary. Its okay to say no sometimes; even to things that are good. If you keep saying yes to everything, eventually you won’t have time for everything or to at least do it well.
2) Rest your mind
Sometimes our thoughts can become overwhelming. When we are being stimulated constantly by a viral world, constantly connected to the internet, we don’t take time to rest our thoughts. So turn off the device sometimes, seriously. Make a plan and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to be alone and don’t be afraid of silence. If loneliness and despair fill your heart when you’re alone and in quiet, you might need to talk to Jesus about that. You should feel secure even in moments of solitude and silence. Press into God in those times; take advantage of the freedom from distraction. Let the clutter fade.
3) Rest your emotions
If you feel overwhelmed with an emotion like anger or fear, step away from what seems to be causing that for a minute or more. You weren’t created to be a slave to your emotions. God created emotion, and we see his display of emotion in his word. Its okay to have emotions, but don’t become a slave, giving into your desires to act in emotion or act out in the moment based on what you feel.
4) Rest your spirit
This might seem obvious, but really, I mean it. The spiritual part of us is not refreshed by doing things meant to satisfy or entertain us, but our spirit is refreshed by being in the presence of God. We must intentionally connect with the Lord, every single day, or our spirit man will starve and become weaker. Read the word of God. It is powerful for use in prayer, in singing out over your situation, for meditating on. Memorize scripture so that you have access to it even when a Bible is not in your hand. Listen to worship music. Using your voice to speak truth over your life is powerful. Something happens supernaturally when you’re declaring God’s truth out loud. Remember to have intimate and personal time alone with the Lord. Your relationship with God is not about someone else. You can pour into others because of it, but you don’t spend time with God for others. It is necessary for you. Learn how to pray alone and not just agreeing with someone else. God wants to speak something personal to you. So I dare you to ask God to speak to you and wait for what he does. If you are a child of God, you have access to him and can enjoy receiving from him even without listening to a pastor.
Rest in God’s love because it is infinite and eternal. It is big enough to extend to you wherever you might find yourself, and it will last for all of time. You’re secure when you’re with Jesus no matter what. When you know you’re loved, there is no need for fear, doubt, self-pit, or hopelessness. You may have been hurt or abandoned by someone in your life, but that is a not a reflection of God’s love for you. It is perfect because he is perfect in every way. God is void of pride and fear and sin; so, his love is not flawed in any way. You’re not powerful enough to disqualify yourself from having God’s love. It is God’s choice whether or not to love us, and he has made his decision. He has eternally declared love for you by sending Jesus, his most precious treasure, to purchase you back despite what you have done to avoid or reject him.
The word of God is pretty clear, if you’re not surrendered to God, you are not in right standing with you. If you’re not a friend, you are an enemy to what he is doing in this world. You must fully surrender to fully receive his love and to enter into true rest which he desires for you.
I have a tiny bit left on this topic. The fourth and final part of "Give It a Rest" is on the way.
<3 Brooke of Love