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Brooke of Love

Why do you read the Bible?

This question came to mind recently as I was talking to the Lord. I asked some people their answers to this question, and they graciously agreed to let me use their feedback in a blog post. So, before I get into it; let's learn how some answer this question.

1: Because I can!

I love this response because it reminds me of the reality of our global Christian family. In many countries today, it is illegal to own a Bible. People fight for even pieces of God's word, and they treasure it. In other countries it is allowed, but Christians may find themselves in poverty which means the inability to purchase Scripture. Let's not forget the gift it is to have easy access to the Word of God in our Western culture. Christianity is not American, but it extends to us because we are people created by God.

2: Because it's the living and active Word of God, and it judges the thoughts and attitudes of my heart. It tells me the two most important things I need to know: Who God is and who I am. God has given me resources over the past few years that have helped me to understand the Bible more holistically, and I began to see how it really did make sense and was one book, which made an enormous difference in my desire to read the Word.

I couldn't agree with this truth more. One great thing about the Bible School for the Nations (or BSN) that I am in currently is that we look at the overarching story God is working in throughout the whole Bible. It's amazing to look for the connections in every single book - because there really are connections! 3: I don't, but because I simply can't comprehend what I read. I do everything I can to get scriptures in me. I'm able to do short devotions and listening to messages works for me. My belief is do what works for you; I'm still getting the word fed to me.

I love this vulnerability. May those of us who grew up in church never judge those who have not had as much experience in hearing God's word. Might I also add, memorizing a Bible story is not the same thing as studying the Bible. Application is so much more important than information. Let me quote a statement from YWAM: Information plus application equals transformation. Gain information, but look for ways to apply it to your life. I used to think I was too young to deeply study the Bible, but I've realized that's a lie. Anyone can study and learn to understand God's principles in His word. It takes work, but it is possible. Even for you friend reading this. If I can do it, then anyone can.

4: Because the Word is Jesus. In order to get to know Him better, I read Him. It's a part of what grows our relationship! Because Christianity is not a religious thing, it's a relationship thing. Jesus is always active in our relationship, so one of the ways we can be active in the relationship is pursuing Him in His word to truly know his heart.

So true! I have been seeing so many things in my heart comes to the surface as I've been studying the Word of God - lies I believed about God and lies about myself. I've seen more and more my imperfection and undeservingness, but also, God's faithfulness, patience, mercy, and forgiveness. As I study the Bible, the LORD teaches me about things in His nature and His character that I never knew before. How amazing that the Creator of the universe, God Almighty Himself is communicating to little 'ole me! He wants to say something to you in His word too. Try it out sometime :)

5: Honestly, I used to read it because it’s “what good Christian’s do,” and I wanted God to be pleased with me. In this past year and a half, God has been moving me away from a performance-based relationship with Him into a more intimate, transformative relationship. I still read the word everyday, but much smaller portions so that I can sit with it and with Jesus, the living word, and allow Him to transform me into His likeness. This has caused me to fall more deeply in love with Him and I am now absolutely fascinated with Jesus. I cannot know Him enough. The written word is now one of the ways I accomplish that.

I absolutely love this response. It made me emotional, I think because I relate to it so much. I grew up on the Word. I had to memorize it in school, and I memorized it at church. I always read the Bible because I knew I should, and some days, I even just wanted to. Sadly, I hardly read the Bible last year because I was sick of reading out of obligation. I'm definitely not saying you should do that, but it can happen when our heart is not in the right place. Again, application is the most important part of studying the Bible! I've met atheists who read the Bible; so I ask you Christian, shouldn't we be doing more than just reading it if someone who doesn't even agree with it spends time in the Word?!?! We absolutely see who God actually is through His word. I do urge you strongly to read the whole Bible though! I've learned some much about Yahweh - God in the Old Testament - and it has changed my view of God. God desires for us to read His Word out of love and not obligation.

6: I read small portions to try to meditate on. I believe that is part of pursuing more of Jesus. As I understand more of the word, it helps me to grow to be more like him and less of me. It also empowers me to be ready to face situations that come with the word planted in my heart!

Some of the ideas in the first part of this I already touched on, but the last part was so good. If we are confident in who God is and His plan through knowing the Word, we won't be shaken easily when circumstances go bad. Although I think understanding the Bible is much more important than memorizing, there is so much power in having parts of Scripture memorized. We may not always have a Bible in our hand, but when we know it well, we constantly have access to it since it becomes a part of us. I also think that when we memorize Scripture, it begins to become more real since we ponder it over and over again. It might be hard for you, but it's so worth it.

7: I can “Christianeese” this all I want, but the truth is, I’ve discipled myself to read. I don’t always enjoy, but I know it’s the truth and the “standard” for Christianity. I know I need it. I need it to know God’s instruction to me. I need to know it so I can teach. I need to know it because so many people falsely teach what it says.

Again, I love the vulnerability to say, it's not always easy. I've been there. If you are, keep going though. I promise you; it will be worth it. Understanding the Bible means we can apply it and live changed. We cannot live changed if we don't know the way it happens. The Word says that the truth sets us free, but I think that's obvious from life. When people know truth, they can avoid disaster. If I know a road ends ahead, I can stop and turn around. In the same way, when we know God's truth (which is the realest truth and the only standard for truth), we can stop living in the old way and turn around into something so much better. With the truth comes the responsibility to apply it and share it. I heard a great sermon on using truth and love hand-in-hand recently. The truth protects and saves from disaster; so, don't be afraid to share it lovingly, humbly, and confidently. Truth is not relative though; it's not what you make it. God is the standard for truth, and we learn it in His word.

Now... Here's what I jotted down in my journal the other day...

Right now I have to read the Bible in order to do BSN, but through it, I get so much more out of my reading. This is not a task. It’s not about gaining knowledge. It’s about gaining a fuller understanding of God throughout history. It’s the revelation of Yahweh’s order, justice, love, patience, and mercy. It’s about Jesus’ humility, love, compassion, boldness, and forgiveness. It’s grace for all who choose sin to make them children of God. It’s about the Holy Spirit being introduced as Comforter, Counselor, and Power. Studying the Bible is key to understanding God and the way he intended our societies to be. I encounter a Living God because He’s communicating to me through His word if I only choose to listen.

I truly hoped this has encouraged you to open up God's Word. Let it become real and come alive. Look for ways to apply it daily. Let it bring junk up to the surface so that you can find healing. Find freedom in hearing truth. Don't be afraid in sharing what you learn either. Let's have more conversations about the Word of God together! Let's devote ourselves to reading and putting in work to understand the Bible!

Thanks again to my friends for letting me use their (really great) thoughts on this topic!

- Brooke of Love <3

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