Could I be a tree? Can I hold leaves for all to see? I want roots so deep, no one questions where I'm planted. A trunk strong and sturdy yet moved by the gentlest breeze. Life itself flows out of me, and it is sustainable in my character. Not flashy or showy but constant and ever true. Seasons do change, yet life remains. Let me stand tall yet humble like a tree. Let my roots be in the only secure place. Let what flows out of me bring life to everyone I see. Let me be faithful yet flexible in the most graceful and gentle way. Can I be a tree?
11-18-17 BET
Note: Sometimes, you write things and feel things that are not to be shared in that season. Eventually, it will come back up, and you know it is time. That is why I included the date I wrote this. Lately, God has been using nature and specifically the word SEASONS to speak to me. Hope this encouraged or convicted you in some way!
-Brooke of Love